Sunday, April 15, 2012

the Truth is revealed!

Evelyn is actually Snow White. Daniel made the revelation the other day, and as soon as he said it, all became clear. We have itty bitty birdie eggs tucked into a nest on a wreath on our front door, four adorable baby bunnies snuggled into a nest under our rose bush in the back yard, two cardinals, a robin and various other birds that live in the trees lining our driveway - and that's not counting the dog, cat and occasional lizard that pass through. The creatures of the forest flock to her.

:) In all seriousness, it was pretty neat to find those bunnies this weekend. Daniel noticed them first, and we have some great video of Owen saying 'hi beebee bunnies!' over and over again. They seem to be getting bigger every day, and thanks to Rocky's age-induced failing sense of smell, they seem to be safe in our backyard. On the subject of Owen, he is really cute lately - hearing complete and very descriptive sentences coming out of the mouth of a grubby little boy who isn't even three feet tall - adorable.

We've had a weekend of ups and downs - which isn't dissimilar to the last couple weeks in general. Evelyn seems to be going through a 'rough patch' with her seizures - something that happens about every six months. Often this means some tweaking of medications, and occasionally a night in the hospital. This time, we're seeing some different seizures (milder than normal) and some unusual reactions to her 'extra' seizure meds (sedatives not making her sleepy?). Saturday Evelyn was snoozy in the morning, and feeling very happy and relaxed in the afternoon. She and Daniel had a swing in the hammock, and Evelyn informed us that she'd like to go to the zoo for her birthday. We'll be working on that. :) We spent nearly the entire day outside; bubbles and sidewalk chalk in the morning, a picnic for lunch, and grilling for dinner on the back deck. The weather was beautiful!

Overnight Saturday night we didn't get much sleep - between some equipment quirks that've kept us up and down a lot lately, and Evelyn having a need for diastat it was a busy night. Today as expected she slept most of the day, then woke up in a great mood just a little before bedtime. On the upside, we've seen Evelyn feeling like herself more this weekend than the past two weeks put together - but on the downside things are still not quite right. Usually after a couple weeks we'd be turning a corner on the seizure craziness - but not yet. SO, joy of joys, we're going to go back to the hospital Tuesday for a 24-hour EEG. This means we'll be in the hospital overnight and Evelyn will be connected to a video EEG so we can capture as much information as possible in hopes of finding a solution. Luckily, it is only an overnight stay.

We're trying to keep it all in perspective by remembering that prior to February, Evelyn hadn't had any major medical stuff in nearly two years (and by major I mean more than a couple days in the hospital). Things have been busy (or rather, Evelyn has been sick) since Valentine's day - so we are all ready for some normalcy; or at least our version of normal. We'll get there; hopefully sooner than later! Until then, we'll keep looking for the good in things - even on a bad day there are plenty of bright moments to be had.


Brad and Amy said...

I hope "normal" is just around the corner so that Evs can enjoy a *fabulous* FIFTH birthday!

Erin Osben said...

Praying for you guys and for Evie to have some relief from those seizures.

Janet said...

Continuing to keep you all in my prayers! I love the comparison to Snow White. If I recall, Snow White also had a way of having all the creatures around her merrily join in to attend to her while humming a happy tune. hmmm, sound about right : )