Saturday, July 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Daniel!

I've been taking the whole 'lazy summer' thing literally when it comes to blogging - and I think that is largely due to the fact that we've had a pretty busy summer.  We haven't done tons of traveling; a long weekend at the lake and an amazing trip to St. Louis for the Aicardi Conference (more on that later!) - but we've done lots of swimming, movies, arts and crafts, and shopping.  (Evelyn likes to shop)

I will be writing a few more posts over the next week on all that stuff, and I'd better do it quickly, since we're already ramping up for the start of school.  Today, however, I'd like to write just a little bit about Daniel.  He's 33 years old today, and you should stop reading now if it annoys you when people brag about their spouses.

Here's a good example of why he's so great:  even before the first cup of coffee, even after a busy night, EVEN if he's been at the hospital with Evelyn all night, not sleeping - he is still kind.  No grouchy words, always ready and willing to jump up and do the next task.  He might be a little groggy, but always kind.  He has been a hard worker since birth, I'd guess, and I think that's where Evelyn gets her work ethic from - but he continues to put his best into everything he does, every day, at work and at home.

Daniel takes being a parent, and a husband, very seriously - but also with a lot of good humor - and we are a better family for it.  A different person would've given up a long time ago - on my imperfections (or sadly, Evelyn's) but that has never been an option for us, and sticking it out when things are tough is something he excels at.  He also has a great sense of perspective.  He's taught me that if being too messy/clean is our greatest conflict, then I should probably not consider it conflict at all.  He's shown me how to be patient; in so many ways in life we have to wait - sometimes for things that never come.  With patience comes a greater appreciation for where we are and what we have right NOW - and this is something Daniel has always exemplified to me.

He's pretty great at what he does.  I think that is because he's great at seeing his strengths and his weaknesses, accepting them, and focusing.  He doesn't dwell in sadness because he isn't good at something, and he doesn't have an ego trip when he excels at something.  He knows who he is, and he's shown me that loving yourself for who you are (hey - who God made you to be) is just as important as trying to be better.  He is a wonderful 'businessman', husband and father.  I see through him that if I am ever only a good mother and wife - then that is the greatest accomplishment I can achieve.

I've always felt fortunate to have Daniel in my life, and I think he's always felt the same for me.  I'm especially grateful that after 12 years of dating and marriage, we still feel the same way.  If you've read any of my previous posts, then you know that life with a medically fragile child (and an occasionally tasmanian devil-ish two year old) isn't always hearts and flowers and fluffy clouds - but I can honestly say, thanks to my husband, that our life is always loving.  always caring.  and we always find the joy and grace in whatever situation we face.

Happy Birthday Daniel - you're still older than me!!!!